Hi again - I’ve concluded my investigation with the following outcome:
- There is a problem that prevents results from the ndvi process from being saved. A fix is underway, but won’t be deployed until tomorrow.
- The specific spatial extent over Rome you’ve queried does not contain any data. This is definitely unexpected and something we need to look into; the boa_sentinel_2 collection should definitely contain data there, but it’s possible that it hasn’t been indexed into opendatacube correctly. Since I’m not familiar with how the indexing step works, I’ll have to pass this on to @sean.hoyal to look into after he returns from holiday on 03.01.2023!
- Are you particularly interested in this spatial extent? In case this was just a random extent for testing, I was able to get your process graph to run through (assuming the fix I’ll deploy tomorrow!) using the same extent just shifted north a bit (although I haven’t inspected the results).
I will also add this case to the unittests for ndvi so this doesn’t happen again!
Hope this helps!
UPDATE: 2022-12-21
Hi once again - just wanted to let you know that I’ve just deployed the fix to the ndvi process. I was able to get your process graph to run through on the following spatial extent:
"spatial_extent": {
"west": 12.403806,
"south": 48.816,
"east": 12.601509,
"north": 48.955
As mentioned, we’ll investigate this lack of data as soon as the relevant folks are back from holidays.
If there’s any further issues with this, please let me know!