hi @jeroen.dries ,
Actually, I was trying to follow an advise that I found in another discussion, Filter images and reducing spatially - #2 by m.mohr
I think you are looking for is the process reduce_spatial: openEO API Processes Unfortunately, it is not available yet in openEO Platform. A workaround could be another process called flatten_dimensions, which is currently worked on, but also still needs a bit of time until it’s available.
By reducing the 2d image to a flatten vector I was going to calculate the 5th percentile through the function reduce_dimension.
I tried to run your instruction and it kinda works. I said “kinda” for two reasons:
- I also tried to use “probabilities” and it doesn’t work.
- I downloaded the cv data to compare the results and they are slightly different: using the “array_create” method I am able to download the results also in netcdf, but the results are not coincident with the one I obtain by processing directly the downloaded dataset. the difference is in the order of 1-5%