Change detection on consecutive pairs of dates


I would like to create a UDF (and later a UDP) that iterates through a stack of SAR images to calculate change detection between each date. For instance date d would be compared with d+1, then d+1 with d+2, … and last date should be excluded as it doesn’t have a d+1.

To this purpose I developed a function called ‘detect_changes’ that performs something similar to coherence calculation because it computes means on a sliding window between 2 dates. I tested my code locally with S1_GRD images and it works properly. The code takes as inputs two numpy arrays, I am trying to reproduce that in a UDF.

Here is the code I use for the UDF:

def apply_datacube(cube: XarrayDataCube, context: dict) → XarrayDataCube:
# Parameters from context
filter_size = context.get(“filter_size”, (3, 3))
contamination = context.get(“contamination”, 0.02)
# Extracting data arrays
data = cube.get_array()
times = data.coords[“t”].values # Get dates
change_maps =
for i in range(len(times) - 1):
first_image = np.abs(data.sel(t=times[i]).values)
second_image = np.abs(data.sel(t=times[i + 1]).values)
# Detect changes between consecutive time steps
change_map = detect_changes(first_image, second_image, filter_size, contamination)
change_maps.append(xr.DataArray(change_map, dims=[“x”, “y”], coords={“x”: data.x, “y”: data.y, “t”: times[i + 1]}))
# Combine all change maps into a single xarray.DataArray
result_array = xr.concat(change_maps, dim=“t”)
# Return the result as a new XarrayDataCube
return XarrayDataCube(result_array)

The error that I get :

File “/opt/openeo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/openeo/udf/”, line 180, in run_udf_code\n result_cube = func(cube=data.get_datacube_list()[0], context=data.user_context)\n File “”, line 60, in apply_datacube\n File “/opt/openeo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/”, line 283, in getitem\n return self._data._getitem_coord(key)\n File “/opt/openeo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/”, line 690, in _getitem_coord\n _, key, var = _get_virtual_variable(\n File “/opt/openeo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/xarray/core/”, line 171, in _get_virtual_variable\n ref_var = variables[ref_name]\nKeyError: 't''}]

I don t get the structure of the XarrayDataCube and its arrays. I don’t get at all if I should apply my UDF to each array like I tried to do or directly on the whole datacube.

Job ID : j-24112647e9eb45269e6e98aa978ba4d9

Could someone support on this please ?
I would be very grateful


Hi Selim,
apologies, but you ran that job on the CDSE backend, so this is not the right forum.
Would you be so kind to repost the question on the forum link below? I can lookup the solution in the meantime.

Hi Jeroen,

Thank you for your reply.
My post is pending account approval on CDSE.