How to get imagery footprint and filter by cloud coverage


I’m trying to load a set of Sentinel 2 over the whole Europe for a year (2018). What I’m trying to do is to calculate some vegetation indeces, so if I could display the footprint of the available imagery over a certain area, I could reduce my time span to include only a subset of the available images. Is it possible to display the footprint in a certain region within a certain time frame?

Furthermore, I would like to filter only images that are cloud-free. I’ve tried to reproduce the command from here Finding and loading data — openEO Python Client 0.14.0a1 documentation connection.load_collection(“SENTINEL2_L2A”,
But I get the following error:
TypeError: load_collection() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘max_cloud_cover’

Thanks in advance to whom might help.

Hi @dileomargherita ,
it seems like the documentation needs updating. The property to use for cloud cover filtering is eo:cloud_cover can you try that?

Displaying the footprint is not directly supported by openEO, but it is a feature of the catalogs that we are based on. In the case of SENTINEL2_L2A, we in fact have the whole collection available.

There’s also multiple visual tools to retrieve this. One being the newly launched:

Or similarly:

Does that help?

best regards,

Thank you Jeroen for your timely reply!
Unfortunately, neither the cloud_cover keyword argument seems to be supported:

TypeError: load_collection() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘cloud_cover’

<Signature (collection_id: str, spatial_extent: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, temporal_extent: Optional[List[Union[str, datetime.datetime,]]] = None, bands: Optional[List[str]] = None, properties: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, openeo.internal.graph_building.PGNode, Callable]]] = None, fetch_metadata=True) →>


Ah wait, I made a mistake, the documentation was in fact correct, but can you check the version of your openEO python client?
It needs to be at least 0.13.0, and then the max_cloud_cover keyword should work.

I’m working on the JupyterLab provided by the platform itself, not on a remote client. Thanks

You can normally use conda to update the openeo package in that environment to the latest version.
I guess it has not been updated after the latest release, right @benjamin.schumacher ?

best regards,

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong but when I try

!conda update openeo

I get:

PackageNotInstalledError: Package is not installed in prefix.
prefix: /opt/conda
package name: openeo

I even tried updating conda itself before, but to no avail.


@benjamin.schumacher @christoph.reimer Can you help with this one? We tried following the suggestion to use conda from our own documentation:

but doesn’t seem to work?

The openeo Python Client is only available via PyPI, therefore please use pip to upgrade the package to the latest version using the following command.

“pip install -U openeo”

Thank you @christoph.reimer , so I updated OpenEO to v. 0.13.0, which seems to be the latest available, and then as @jeroen.dries suggested, I tried again to apply the max_cloud_cover, but it still does not work.

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_2639/ in
1 # Load data cube
----> 2 cube = con.load_collection(“SENTINEL2_L2A_SENTINELHUB”,
3 spatial_extent=bbox,
4 temporal_extent=dates,
5 bands=bands,

TypeError: load_collection() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘max_cloud_cover’


Did you restart the kernel after upgrading?
You can also check the version in your notebook by printing:

If the version is correct, the keyword argument should be there, as this is the relevant code:


OK, I restarted the kernel, then:


Load data cube

cube = con.load_collection(“SENTINEL2_L2A_SENTINELHUB”,

/opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/openeo/rest/ UserWarning: SENTINEL2_L2A_SENTINELHUB property filtering with properties that are undefined in the collection metadata (summaries): eo:cloud_cover.
return DataCube.load_collection(

@daniel.thiex I am also trying a simple example but I am getting an error from the SentinelHub back-end:

import openeo

conn = openeo.connect("").authenticate_oidc("egi")

data = conn.load_collection("SENTINEL2_L2A_SENTINELHUB",
    spatial_extent={'west': 4.0, 'east': 4.08, 'south': 51.29, 'north': 51.39},
    temporal_extent=["2021-04-01", "2021-06-01"],
    bands=['B04', 'B03', 'B02'],

OpenEoApiError: [500] Internal: Failed to create job on backend 'sentinelhub': OpenEoApiError('[500] unknown: <!doctype html>\n<html lang=en>\n<title>500 Internal Server Error</title>\n<h1>Internal Server Error</h1>\n<p>The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.</p>\n') (ref: r-4856425504cb463eb7d5860b4b510c54)

@dileomargherita this solution works, which specifies to use the back-end from VITO and not the the one from SentinelHub (which currently returns the error showed in the previous message):

import openeo

conn = openeo.connect("").authenticate_oidc("egi")

data = conn.load_collection("SENTINEL2_L2A_SENTINELHUB",
    spatial_extent={'west': 4.0, 'east': 4.08, 'south': 51.29, 'north': 51.39},
    temporal_extent=["2021-04-01", "2021-06-01"],
    bands=['B04', 'B03', 'B02'],
    properties={"provider:backend":lambda v: v =="vito"}


Hi all, it’s not completely relevant anymore to this discussion, but since this week the openeo python package is now also available in conda through the conda-forge channel: Openeo ::

@daniel.thiex I am also trying a simple example but I am getting an error from the SentinelHub back-end:

Sorry, about the late reply, I somehow missed this. I am a bit confused why in your example our backend was used as the if nothing specified Vito’s should be used. Running it on our backend I get indeed the same cryptic error which is due to the fact we don’t support netCDF. If you replace the format with format=GTiff it works fine. Will see if we can improve the error message for such cases.