Dear @jeroen.dries,
Could you let me know when the modifications are ready so that I can continue with the work?
Dear @jeroen.dries,
Could you let me know when the modifications are ready so that I can continue with the work?
Hi Elia,
I just checked, and the LAI layer seems to work, but SSM now returns an error for a specific extent.
You can always try for your area of interest, but we’re improving these layers as well.
The work is already ongoing, and is being tracked in this ticket:
Hi @equiros ,
could you try again on We have rolled out some changes to these layers.
I have just tried with CGLS_LAI_V2_GLOBAL without much success
Do you have the code that you tried, or a failed job id?
It is the same as this one (that works properly): OpenEO_DROUGHT/RScript_OpenEO_FAPAR.R at main · LauFC/OpenEO_DROUGHT · GitHub
but changing the “CGLS_FAPAR_V2_GLOBAL” by “CGLS_LAI_V2_GLOBAL”.
I tried to reproduce in a minimal python example, but still getting a correct long timeseries as a result (see below). If you run your test as a batch job, can you send me a job id so I can check out why it’s wrong?
Dear Jeroen,
I’ve just sent you the codes by email.