Please, give a link to the appropriate JS library for client API with full functionality.
I tried to use, but there isn’t a function like a reduce_dimension, etc.
Hi @vili999, @m.mohr is the main developer and maintainer of that library. Let’s see if he replies here. In the meantime you could open an issue on GitHub: GitHub - Open-EO/openeo-js-client: JavaScript and TypeScript client for the openEO API.
Here you can also find some examples on how to use it: JavaScript Client | openEO
Hi @vili999 ,
the JS client (and the R client) work a bit differently compared to the Python client.
the processes are made available via an adaptive / dynamic interface that reacts on the implemented processes by a back-end. In the JS client the Builder class is responsible for that. The documentation with an example is here:
The Getting Started Guide for the JS client can be found here:
If you have further questions, please let me know.