Masking does not work

Hi Andrea,
thanks for your patience, the pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together.
So there’s two separate issues that we need to solve, but it could be that the suggested workarounds are also better for you from a performance/accuracy perspective:

  1. The use of this separate s2_cube_masking cube, suggested by Stefaan will avoid loading data from sentinelhub which is then discarded later on. The other option would be to apply the mask in an ‘apply_dimension’ process on the bands. The original option will always be slower than these two alternatives. (Which doesn’t mean we won’t look into the original problem.)

  2. The use of s1_cube.ard_normalized_radar_backscatter generates files in an EPSG:4326 projection. This was an original limitation of card4l backscatter, which is rather strict. If you replace that call with the very similar s1_cube = s1_cube.sar_backscatter(coefficient="gamma0-terrain", mask=True, elevation_model="COPERNICUS_30"), you will get the same backscatter values, and avoid unnecessary reprojection and loss of accuracy and efficiency. Of course, same story here, we will also tackle the problem with using the card4l variant, but in the way that you use it, it seems to add no advantages and only adds trouble, because card4l is more strict with respect to certain metadata files that you are not using.

Can you try this last suggestion as well in your more complex example? I hope that we’re almost there, and can then also solve the root causes.

best regards,

Hey Jeroen,

Thanks for providing the suggestions:

  1. s2_cube_masking does not work. Also, I have tested with s1_s2_water.mask(exclusion_mask.resample_cube_spatial(s1_s2_water))
    You check the porblem: j-7fc5bce0bd894fe490a91488d5cff498
    b) Could you specifiy how exactly to apply mask via apply_dimension?

  2. I have replaced the s1_cube but no success :
    Job 'j-13f0b8556e8c4ed18ee817e6e1e4056c'

This is the code with implementing your suggestions, is there any problem(?):

start_date           = '2021-06-01'
spatial_extent       = {'west': -74.06810760, 'east': -73.90597343, 'south': 4.689864510, 'north': 4.724080996, 'crs': 'epsg:4326'} #colombia
zone                 = "tropical"

start_date_dt_object = datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d')

end_date             = (start_date_dt_object + relativedelta(months = +1)).date() ## End date, 1 month later (1st Feb. 2021)
start_date_exclusion = (start_date_dt_object + relativedelta(months = -1)).date() 

    "tropical": {
        "S1": lambda vv: 1 / (1 + exp(- (-7.17 + (-0.48 * vv)))),
        "S2": lambda ndvi, ndwi: 1 / (1 + exp(- (0.845 + (2.14 * ndvi) + (13.5 * ndwi)))),
        "S1_S2": lambda vv, ndwi: 1 / (1 + exp(- (-2.64 + (-0.23 * vv) + (8.6 * ndwi)))),
        "S1":  lambda vv, vh: 1 / (1 + exp(- (-8.1 + (-0.13 * vv) + (-0.27 * vh)))),
        "S2": lambda ndvi, ndwi: 1 / (1 + exp(- (0.845 + (2.14 * ndvi) + (13.5 * ndwi)))),
        "S1_S2": lambda vv, ndwi: 1 / (1 + exp(- (-2.64 + (-0.23 * vv) + (8.6 * ndwi)))),

s2_cube = connection.load_collection(
    spatial_extent  = spatial_extent,
    temporal_extent = [start_date_exclusion, end_date],
    bands           = ['B02', 'B03', 'B04', 'B08', 'sunAzimuthAngles', 'sunZenithAngles'] )

# This will avoid loading data from sentinelhub which is then discarded later on
s2_cube_masking = connection.load_collection(
    spatial_extent  = spatial_extent,
    temporal_extent = [start_date_exclusion, end_date],
    bands = ['CLP', 'SCL'] )

# Scene classification data, based on Sen2Cor
# scl == 3    Cloud Shadows 
# scl == 8    Clouds medium probability
# scl == 9    Clouds high probability
# scl == 10   Cirrus
# scl == 11   Snow / Ice

scl ="SCL")
mask_scl = (scl == 3) | (scl == 8) | (scl == 9) | (scl == 10) |(scl == 11)
# mask {1 = cloud, 0 = free cloud}
s2_cube = s2_cube.mask(mask_scl)

# CLP (cloud probabilities) based on S2cloudless (160 blocks and 10m resolution)
clp ="CLP")
mask_clp = (clp / 255) > 0.3  
# mask {1 = cloud, 0 = free cloud}
s2_cube = s2_cube.mask(mask_clp)

s2_count = s2_cube.filter_bands(bands = ["B08"])
s2_count = s2_count.reduce_dimension(reducer=lambda data: data.count(), dimension = "t")
s2_count = s2_count.rename_labels("bands",["count"])

s2_cube = append_index(s2_cube,"NDWI") ## index 8
s2_cube = append_index(s2_cube,"NDVI") ## index 9

def water_function(data):
    return LOOKUPTABLE[zone]["S2"](ndwi=data[8], ndvi=data[9])

s2_cube_water = s2_cube.reduce_dimension(reducer = water_function, dimension = "bands")
s2_cube_water = s2_cube_water.add_dimension("bands", "water_prob", type = "bands") 

s2_cube_water_threshold = s2_cube_water.apply_dimension(dimension="bands", process=lambda x: if_(x > 0.75, x,0))
s2_cube_water_threshold = s2_cube_water_threshold.rename_labels("bands",["w_T75"])

s2_cube_water_sum = s2_cube_water_threshold.reduce_dimension(reducer = "sum", dimension = "t")
s2_cube_water_sum = s2_cube_water_sum.rename_labels("bands",["sum"])

s2_cube_swf = s2_cube_water_sum.resample_cube_spatial(s2_count) / s2_count
s2_cube_swf = s2_cube_swf.rename_labels("bands",["swf"])

## calculate the median s2 water probability for 1-month.
s2_median_water = s2_cube_water.filter_temporal([start_date, end_date]).median_time()

s2_cube_median = s2_cube.filter_temporal([start_date, end_date]).median_time()

## Get Sentinel-1 data for a 1 month window and convert to ARD data.
s1_cube = connection.load_collection(
     spatial_extent = spatial_extent, 
     temporal_extent = [start_date, end_date], 
     bands = ['VH','VV'],
     properties = {"polarization": lambda p: p == "DV"})

# s1_cube = s1_cube.ard_normalized_radar_backscatter(elevation_model="COPERNICUS_30")
s1_cube = s1_cube.sar_backscatter(coefficient="gamma0-terrain", mask=True, elevation_model="COPERNICUS_30")

s1_cube = s1_cube.rename_labels("bands",["VH","VV","mask", "incidence_angle"])
s1_cube_mask ="mask")

# radar shadow mask has value 2
s1_mask_RS= (s1_cube_mask == 2)
s1_cube = s1_cube.mask(s1_mask_RS)

def log_(x):
      return 10*log (x, 10)

s1_median = s1_cube.median_time().apply(log_) 

def s1_water_function(data):
    return LOOKUPTABLE[zone]["S1"](vv=data[1])

s1_median_water = s1_median.reduce_dimension(reducer = s1_water_function, dimension = "bands")

exclusion_mask = (s1_median_water.resample_cube_spatial(s2_cube_swf) > 0.5) & (s2_cube_swf < 0.33)
exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask * 1.0

s1_median_water_mask = s1_median_water.mask(exclusion_mask.resample_cube_spatial(s1_median_water))
s1_median_water_mask = s1_median_water_mask * 1.0

def s1_s2_water_function(data):
    return LOOKUPTABLE[zone]["S1_S2"](vv=data[0], ndwi=data[1])

## Get S1 VV, and S2 NDWI, and apply s1_s2_water function

s1_s2_cube = s1_median.filter_bands(['VV']).resample_cube_spatial(s2_cube_median).merge_cubes(s2_cube_median.filter_bands(['NDWI']))  # works
s1_s2_water = s1_s2_cube.reduce_dimension(reducer = s1_s2_water_function, dimension = "bands").add_dimension("bands", "var", type = "bands")

s1_s2_water = s1_s2_water.rename_labels("bands",["var"])  
s1_s2_water = s1_s2_water.filter_bands(bands = ['var'])

exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask.add_dimension("bands", "var", type = "bands")
exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask.rename_labels("bands",["var"]) 
exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask.filter_bands(bands = ['var'])

masked = s1_s2_water.mask(exclusion_mask.resample_cube_spatial(s1_s2_water))

s1_s2_masked_save = masked.save_result(format='netCDF') #GTiff #netCDF
my_job  = s1_s2_masked_save.send_job(title="s1_s2_masked_save")
results = my_job.start_and_wait().get_results()

Hi Andrea,
I tried it, in fact, due to no longer loading SCL and CLP in the first cube, we need to adjust the indices.
I also made a minor adjustment to masking with SCL and CLP. This example now works here:

from openeo.processes import exp,log,if_

    connection = openeo.connect("").authenticate_oidc()
    start_date = '2021-06-01'
    spatial_extent = {'west': -74.06810760, 'east': -73.90597343, 'south': 4.689864510, 'north': 4.724080996,
                      'crs': 'epsg:4326'}  # colombia
    zone = "tropical"

    start_date_dt_object = datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d')

    end_date = (start_date_dt_object + relativedelta(months=+1)).date()  ## End date, 1 month later (1st Feb. 2021)
    start_date_exclusion = (start_date_dt_object + relativedelta(months=-1)).date()

        "tropical": {
            "S1": lambda vv: 1 / (1 + exp(- (-7.17 + (-0.48 * vv)))),
            "S2": lambda ndvi, ndwi: 1 / (1 + exp(- (0.845 + (2.14 * ndvi) + (13.5 * ndwi)))),
            "S1_S2": lambda vv, ndwi: 1 / (1 + exp(- (-2.64 + (-0.23 * vv) + (8.6 * ndwi)))),
                "S1": lambda vv, vh: 1 / (1 + exp(- (-8.1 + (-0.13 * vv) + (-0.27 * vh)))),
                "S2": lambda ndvi, ndwi: 1 / (1 + exp(- (0.845 + (2.14 * ndvi) + (13.5 * ndwi)))),
                "S1_S2": lambda vv, ndwi: 1 / (1 + exp(- (-2.64 + (-0.23 * vv) + (8.6 * ndwi)))),

    s2_cube = connection.load_collection(
        temporal_extent=[start_date_exclusion, end_date],
        bands=['B02', 'B03', 'B04', 'B08', 'sunAzimuthAngles', 'sunZenithAngles'])

    # This will avoid loading data from sentinelhub which is then discarded later on
    s2_cube_masking = connection.load_collection(
        temporal_extent=[start_date_exclusion, end_date],
        bands=['CLP', 'SCL'])

    # Scene classification data, based on Sen2Cor
    # scl == 3    Cloud Shadows
    # scl == 8    Clouds medium probability
    # scl == 9    Clouds high probability
    # scl == 10   Cirrus
    # scl == 11   Snow / Ice

    scl ="SCL")
    mask_scl = (scl == 3) | (scl == 8) | (scl == 9) | (scl == 10) | (scl == 11)
    # mask {1 = cloud, 0 = free cloud}
    #s2_cube = s2_cube.mask(mask_scl)

    # CLP (cloud probabilities) based on S2cloudless (160 blocks and 10m resolution)
    clp ="CLP")
    mask_clp = mask_scl | (clp / 255) > 0.3
    # mask {1 = cloud, 0 = free cloud}
    s2_cube = s2_cube.mask(mask_clp)

    s2_count = s2_cube.filter_bands(bands=["B08"])
    s2_count = s2_count.reduce_dimension(reducer=lambda data: data.count(), dimension="t")
    s2_count = s2_count.rename_labels("bands", ["count"])

    s2_cube = append_indices(s2_cube, ["NDWI","NDVI"])  ## index 6,7
    #s2_cube = append_index(s2_cube, "NDVI")  ## index 8

    def water_function(data):
        return LOOKUPTABLE[zone]["S2"](ndwi=data[6], ndvi=data[7])

    s2_cube_water = s2_cube.reduce_dimension(reducer=water_function, dimension="bands")
    s2_cube_water = s2_cube_water.add_dimension("bands", "water_prob", type="bands")

    s2_cube_water_threshold = s2_cube_water.apply_dimension(dimension="bands", process=lambda x: if_(x > 0.75, x, 0))
    s2_cube_water_threshold = s2_cube_water_threshold.rename_labels("bands", ["w_T75"])

    s2_cube_water_sum = s2_cube_water_threshold.reduce_dimension(reducer="sum", dimension="t")
    s2_cube_water_sum = s2_cube_water_sum.rename_labels("bands", ["sum"])

    s2_cube_swf = s2_cube_water_sum.resample_cube_spatial(s2_count) / s2_count
    s2_cube_swf = s2_cube_swf.rename_labels("bands", ["swf"])

    ## calculate the median s2 water probability for 1-month.
    s2_median_water = s2_cube_water.filter_temporal([start_date, end_date]).median_time()

    s2_cube_median = s2_cube.filter_temporal([start_date, end_date]).median_time()

    ## Get Sentinel-1 data for a 1 month window and convert to ARD data.
    s1_cube = connection.load_collection(
        temporal_extent=[start_date, end_date],
        bands=['VH', 'VV'],
        properties={"polarization": lambda p: p == "DV"})

    # s1_cube = s1_cube.ard_normalized_radar_backscatter(elevation_model="COPERNICUS_30")
    s1_cube = s1_cube.sar_backscatter(coefficient="gamma0-terrain", mask=True, elevation_model="COPERNICUS_30")

    s1_cube = s1_cube.rename_labels("bands", ["VH", "VV", "mask", "incidence_angle"])
    s1_cube_mask ="mask")

    # radar shadow mask has value 2
    s1_mask_RS = (s1_cube_mask == 2)
    s1_cube = s1_cube.mask(s1_mask_RS)

    def log_(x):
        return 10 * log(x, 10)

    s1_median = s1_cube.median_time().apply(log_)

    def s1_water_function(data):
        return LOOKUPTABLE[zone]["S1"](vv=data[1])

    s1_median_water = s1_median.reduce_dimension(reducer=s1_water_function, dimension="bands")

    exclusion_mask = (s1_median_water.resample_cube_spatial(s2_cube_swf) > 0.5) & (s2_cube_swf < 0.33)
    exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask * 1.0

    #s1_median_water_mask = s1_median_water.mask(exclusion_mask.resample_cube_spatial(s1_median_water))
    #s1_median_water_mask = s1_median_water_mask * 1.0

    def s1_s2_water_function(data):
        return LOOKUPTABLE[zone]["S1_S2"](vv=data[0], ndwi=data[1])

    ## Get S1 VV, and S2 NDWI, and apply s1_s2_water function

    s1_s2_cube = s1_median.filter_bands(['VV']).resample_cube_spatial(s2_cube_median).merge_cubes(
        s2_cube_median.filter_bands(['NDWI']))  # works
    s1_s2_water = s1_s2_cube.reduce_dimension(reducer=s1_s2_water_function, dimension="bands").add_dimension("bands",

    s1_s2_water = s1_s2_water.rename_labels("bands", ["var"])
    s1_s2_water = s1_s2_water.filter_bands(bands=['var'])

    exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask.add_dimension("bands", "var", type="bands")
    exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask.rename_labels("bands", ["var"])
    exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask.filter_bands(bands=['var'])

    masked = s1_s2_water.mask(exclusion_mask.resample_cube_spatial(s1_s2_water))

    s1_s2_masked_save = masked.save_result(format='netCDF')  # GTiff #netCDF
    my_job = s1_s2_masked_save.send_job(title="s1_s2_masked_save")
    results = my_job.start_and_wait().get_results()

The ouput does not seem correct.

s2 cube is causing the smaller spatal extent:

Thanks, so one step further, we’ll figure out why the data isn’t there. So basically the sentinel-2 data is not loaded for the full cube or something? (Or it perhaps gets masked away.)

  1. s2_cube loading - fine

  2. mask_clp looks fine :

  3. Masking - s2_cube is masked by mask_clp then the final masked s2_cube does not look good:

@stefaan.lippens @jeroen.dries

I have tried resample_cube_spatial for mask but it does not help

Using the resample function:

s2_cube = connection.load_collection(
    spatial_extent  = spatial_extent,
    temporal_extent = [start_date_exclusion, end_date],
    bands           = ['B02', 'B03', 'B04', 'B08', 'sunAzimuthAngles', 'sunZenithAngles'] )

# This will avoid loading data from sentinelhub which is then discarded later on
s2_cube_masking = connection.load_collection(
    spatial_extent  = spatial_extent,
    temporal_extent = [start_date_exclusion, end_date],
    bands = ['CLP', 'SCL'] )

# Scene classification data, based on Sen2Cor
# scl == 3    Cloud Shadows 
# scl == 8    Clouds medium probability
# scl == 9    Clouds high probability
# scl == 10   Cirrus
# scl == 11   Snow / Ice

scl ="SCL")
mask_scl = (scl == 3) | (scl == 8) | (scl == 9) | (scl == 10) |(scl == 11)

# CLP (cloud probabilities) based on S2cloudless (160 blocks and 10m resolution)
clp ="CLP")
mask_cloud = mask_scl | (clp / 255) > 0.3
# mask {1 = cloud, 0 = free cloud}
s2_cube = s2_cube.mask(mask_cloud)
s2_cube_r = s2_cube.mask(mask_cloud.resample_cube_spatial(s2_cube))

Hi Andrea,
just wanted to confirm that we’re actively looking into this, so hope to solve this soon!

best regards,

1 Like

Hi Andrea,

I’m definitely seeing an improvement by applying a resample_cube_spatial to the S2 mask. Could you please retry with this updated code (based on @jeroen.dries 's code above):

start_date = '2021-06-01'
spatial_extent = {'west': -74.06810760, 'east': -73.90597343, 'south': 4.689864510, 'north': 4.724080996,
                  'crs': 'epsg:4326'}  # colombia
zone = "tropical"

start_date_dt_object = datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d')

end_date = (start_date_dt_object + relativedelta(months=+1)).date()  ## End date, 1 month later (1st Feb. 2021)
start_date_exclusion = (start_date_dt_object + relativedelta(months=-1)).date()

    "tropical": {
        "S1": lambda vv: 1 / (1 + exp(- (-7.17 + (-0.48 * vv)))),
        "S2": lambda ndvi, ndwi: 1 / (1 + exp(- (0.845 + (2.14 * ndvi) + (13.5 * ndwi)))),
        "S1_S2": lambda vv, ndwi: 1 / (1 + exp(- (-2.64 + (-0.23 * vv) + (8.6 * ndwi)))),
            "S1": lambda vv, vh: 1 / (1 + exp(- (-8.1 + (-0.13 * vv) + (-0.27 * vh)))),
            "S2": lambda ndvi, ndwi: 1 / (1 + exp(- (0.845 + (2.14 * ndvi) + (13.5 * ndwi)))),
            "S1_S2": lambda vv, ndwi: 1 / (1 + exp(- (-2.64 + (-0.23 * vv) + (8.6 * ndwi)))),

s2_cube = connection.load_collection(
    temporal_extent=[start_date_exclusion, end_date],
    bands=['B02', 'B03', 'B04', 'B08', 'sunAzimuthAngles', 'sunZenithAngles'])

# This will avoid loading data from sentinelhub which is then discarded later on
s2_cube_masking = connection.load_collection(
    temporal_extent=[start_date_exclusion, end_date],
    bands=['CLP', 'SCL'])

# Scene classification data, based on Sen2Cor
# scl == 3    Cloud Shadows
# scl == 8    Clouds medium probability
# scl == 9    Clouds high probability
# scl == 10   Cirrus
# scl == 11   Snow / Ice

scl ="SCL")
mask_scl = (scl == 3) | (scl == 8) | (scl == 9) | (scl == 10) | (scl == 11)
# mask {1 = cloud, 0 = free cloud}
#s2_cube = s2_cube.mask(mask_scl)

# CLP (cloud probabilities) based on S2cloudless (160 blocks and 10m resolution)
clp ="CLP")
mask_clp = mask_scl | (clp / 255) > 0.3
# mask {1 = cloud, 0 = free cloud}
s2_cube = s2_cube.mask(mask_clp.resample_cube_spatial(s2_cube))

s2_count = s2_cube.filter_bands(bands=["B08"])
s2_count = s2_count.reduce_dimension(reducer=lambda data: data.count(), dimension="t")
s2_count = s2_count.rename_labels("bands", ["count"])

s2_cube = append_indices(s2_cube, ["NDWI","NDVI"])  ## index 6,7
#s2_cube = append_index(s2_cube, "NDVI")  ## index 8

def water_function(data):
    return LOOKUPTABLE[zone]["S2"](ndwi=data[6], ndvi=data[7])

s2_cube_water = s2_cube.reduce_dimension(reducer=water_function, dimension="bands")
s2_cube_water = s2_cube_water.add_dimension("bands", "water_prob", type="bands")

s2_cube_water_threshold = s2_cube_water.apply_dimension(dimension="bands", process=lambda x: if_(x > 0.75, x, 0))
s2_cube_water_threshold = s2_cube_water_threshold.rename_labels("bands", ["w_T75"])

s2_cube_water_sum = s2_cube_water_threshold.reduce_dimension(reducer="sum", dimension="t")
s2_cube_water_sum = s2_cube_water_sum.rename_labels("bands", ["sum"])

s2_cube_swf = s2_cube_water_sum.resample_cube_spatial(s2_count) / s2_count
s2_cube_swf = s2_cube_swf.rename_labels("bands", ["swf"])

## calculate the median s2 water probability for 1-month.
s2_median_water = s2_cube_water.filter_temporal([start_date, end_date]).median_time()

s2_cube_median = s2_cube.filter_temporal([start_date, end_date]).median_time()

## Get Sentinel-1 data for a 1 month window and convert to ARD data.
s1_cube = connection.load_collection(
    temporal_extent=[start_date, end_date],
    bands=['VH', 'VV'],
    properties={"polarization": lambda p: p == "DV"})

# s1_cube = s1_cube.ard_normalized_radar_backscatter(elevation_model="COPERNICUS_30")
s1_cube = s1_cube.sar_backscatter(coefficient="gamma0-terrain", mask=True, elevation_model="COPERNICUS_30")

s1_cube = s1_cube.rename_labels("bands", ["VH", "VV", "mask", "incidence_angle"])
s1_cube_mask ="mask")

# radar shadow mask has value 2
s1_mask_RS = (s1_cube_mask == 2)
s1_cube = s1_cube.mask(s1_mask_RS)

def log_(x):
    return 10 * log(x, 10)

s1_median = s1_cube.median_time().apply(log_)

def s1_water_function(data):
    return LOOKUPTABLE[zone]["S1"](vv=data[1])

s1_median_water = s1_median.reduce_dimension(reducer=s1_water_function, dimension="bands")

exclusion_mask = (s1_median_water.resample_cube_spatial(s2_cube_swf) > 0.5) & (s2_cube_swf < 0.33)
exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask * 1.0

#s1_median_water_mask = s1_median_water.mask(exclusion_mask.resample_cube_spatial(s1_median_water))
#s1_median_water_mask = s1_median_water_mask * 1.0

def s1_s2_water_function(data):
    return LOOKUPTABLE[zone]["S1_S2"](vv=data[0], ndwi=data[1])

## Get S1 VV, and S2 NDWI, and apply s1_s2_water function

s1_s2_cube = s1_median.filter_bands(['VV']).resample_cube_spatial(s2_cube_median).merge_cubes(
    s2_cube_median.filter_bands(['NDWI']))  # works
s1_s2_water = s1_s2_cube.reduce_dimension(reducer=s1_s2_water_function, dimension="bands").add_dimension("bands",

s1_s2_water = s1_s2_water.rename_labels("bands", ["var"])
s1_s2_water = s1_s2_water.filter_bands(bands=['var'])

exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask.add_dimension("bands", "var", type="bands")
exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask.rename_labels("bands", ["var"])
exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask.filter_bands(bands=['var'])

masked = s1_s2_water.mask(exclusion_mask.resample_cube_spatial(s1_s2_water))

s1_s2_masked_save = masked.save_result(format='netCDF')  # GTiff #netCDF
my_job = s1_s2_masked_save.send_job(title="s1_s2_masked_save")
results = my_job.start_and_wait().get_results()

Hey Jan,

Thanks, the s1_s2_masked_save works now!

However, s1_median_water_mask does not work. This part is commented in @jeroen.dries 's code above and it is needed in the next steps

 s1_median_water_mask = s1_median_water.mask(exclusion_mask.resample_cube_spatial(s1_median_water))
 s1_median_water_mask = s1_median_water_mask * 1.0

This is the job which fails: j-99517997dba644bdaed0524c5c2f5267

The code:

    from openeo.processes import exp,log,if_

    connection = openeo.connect("").authenticate_oidc()
    start_date = '2021-06-01'
    spatial_extent = {'west': -74.06810760, 'east': -73.90597343, 'south': 4.689864510, 'north': 4.724080996,
                      'crs': 'epsg:4326'}  # colombia
    zone = "tropical"

    start_date_dt_object = datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d')

    end_date = (start_date_dt_object + relativedelta(months=+1)).date()  ## End date, 1 month later (1st Feb. 2021)
    start_date_exclusion = (start_date_dt_object + relativedelta(months=-1)).date()

        "tropical": {
            "S1": lambda vv: 1 / (1 + exp(- (-7.17 + (-0.48 * vv)))),
            "S2": lambda ndvi, ndwi: 1 / (1 + exp(- (0.845 + (2.14 * ndvi) + (13.5 * ndwi)))),
            "S1_S2": lambda vv, ndwi: 1 / (1 + exp(- (-2.64 + (-0.23 * vv) + (8.6 * ndwi)))),
                "S1": lambda vv, vh: 1 / (1 + exp(- (-8.1 + (-0.13 * vv) + (-0.27 * vh)))),
                "S2": lambda ndvi, ndwi: 1 / (1 + exp(- (0.845 + (2.14 * ndvi) + (13.5 * ndwi)))),
                "S1_S2": lambda vv, ndwi: 1 / (1 + exp(- (-2.64 + (-0.23 * vv) + (8.6 * ndwi)))),

    s2_cube = connection.load_collection(
        temporal_extent=[start_date_exclusion, end_date],
        bands=['B02', 'B03', 'B04', 'B08', 'sunAzimuthAngles', 'sunZenithAngles'])

    # This will avoid loading data from sentinelhub which is then discarded later on
    s2_cube_masking = connection.load_collection(
        temporal_extent=[start_date_exclusion, end_date],
        bands=['CLP', 'SCL'])

    # Scene classification data, based on Sen2Cor
    # scl == 3    Cloud Shadows
    # scl == 8    Clouds medium probability
    # scl == 9    Clouds high probability
    # scl == 10   Cirrus
    # scl == 11   Snow / Ice

    scl ="SCL")
    mask_scl = (scl == 3) | (scl == 8) | (scl == 9) | (scl == 10) | (scl == 11)
    # mask {1 = cloud, 0 = free cloud}
    #s2_cube = s2_cube.mask(mask_scl)

    # CLP (cloud probabilities) based on S2cloudless (160 blocks and 10m resolution)
    clp ="CLP")
    mask_clp = mask_scl | (clp / 255) > 0.3
    # mask {1 = cloud, 0 = free cloud}
    s2_cube = s2_cube.mask(mask_clp)

    s2_count = s2_cube.filter_bands(bands=["B08"])
    s2_count = s2_count.reduce_dimension(reducer=lambda data: data.count(), dimension="t")
    s2_count = s2_count.rename_labels("bands", ["count"])

    s2_cube = append_indices(s2_cube, ["NDWI","NDVI"])  ## index 6,7
    #s2_cube = append_index(s2_cube, "NDVI")  ## index 8

    def water_function(data):
        return LOOKUPTABLE[zone]["S2"](ndwi=data[6], ndvi=data[7])

    s2_cube_water = s2_cube.reduce_dimension(reducer=water_function, dimension="bands")
    s2_cube_water = s2_cube_water.add_dimension("bands", "water_prob", type="bands")

    s2_cube_water_threshold = s2_cube_water.apply_dimension(dimension="bands", process=lambda x: if_(x > 0.75, x, 0))
    s2_cube_water_threshold = s2_cube_water_threshold.rename_labels("bands", ["w_T75"])

    s2_cube_water_sum = s2_cube_water_threshold.reduce_dimension(reducer="sum", dimension="t")
    s2_cube_water_sum = s2_cube_water_sum.rename_labels("bands", ["sum"])

    s2_cube_swf = s2_cube_water_sum.resample_cube_spatial(s2_count) / s2_count
    s2_cube_swf = s2_cube_swf.rename_labels("bands", ["swf"])

    ## calculate the median s2 water probability for 1-month.
    s2_median_water = s2_cube_water.filter_temporal([start_date, end_date]).median_time()

    s2_cube_median = s2_cube.filter_temporal([start_date, end_date]).median_time()

    ## Get Sentinel-1 data for a 1 month window and convert to ARD data.
    s1_cube = connection.load_collection(
        temporal_extent=[start_date, end_date],
        bands=['VH', 'VV'],
        properties={"polarization": lambda p: p == "DV"})

    # s1_cube = s1_cube.ard_normalized_radar_backscatter(elevation_model="COPERNICUS_30")
    s1_cube = s1_cube.sar_backscatter(coefficient="gamma0-terrain", mask=True, elevation_model="COPERNICUS_30")

    s1_cube = s1_cube.rename_labels("bands", ["VH", "VV", "mask", "incidence_angle"])
    s1_cube_mask ="mask")

    # radar shadow mask has value 2
    s1_mask_RS = (s1_cube_mask == 2)
    s1_cube = s1_cube.mask(s1_mask_RS)

    def log_(x):
        return 10 * log(x, 10)

    s1_median = s1_cube.median_time().apply(log_)

    def s1_water_function(data):
        return LOOKUPTABLE[zone]["S1"](vv=data[1])

    s1_median_water = s1_median.reduce_dimension(reducer=s1_water_function, dimension="bands")

    exclusion_mask = (s1_median_water.resample_cube_spatial(s2_cube_swf) > 0.5) & (s2_cube_swf < 0.33)
    exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask * 1.0

   s1_median_water_mask = 
   s1_median_water_mask = s1_median_water_mask * 1.0

   s1_median_water_mask_save = s1_median_water_mask.save_result(format='netCDF') #GTiff 
   my_job  = s1_median_water_mask_save.send_job(title="s1_median_water_mask")
   results = my_job.start_and_wait().get_results()
The error is: ValueError: The layout needs to have the same crs as the TiledRasterLayer

but the cube was resampled spatially before:

  s1_median_water_mask = 

Do you know how to fix this?

It actually works! I renamed band names.

Hi Andrea. Glad to see that it works. Let us know if you encounter additional problems.

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