Dear all,
following a discussion that we had yesterday morning with @jeroen.verstraelen, I report some issues that I encountered when trying to use apply_neighborhood both for some basic example/test udfs and some more complicated udfs.
Here the main workflow:
from pathlib import Path
import openeo
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import xarray as xr
from openeo.udf import execute_local_udf
from openeo.processes import and_
# authentication
eoconn = openeo.connect("")
# load the Copernicus fractional snow cover collection
scf = eoconn.load_collection(
spatial_extent = {'west':10.728539,
# resample and align to a 500 m grid - should correspond to a MODIS datacube
scf_rsmpl = scf.resample_spatial(resolution=20, projection=32632,
method = "near")
scf_bbox = scf_rsmpl.filter_bbox(west=631910, south=5167310, east=655890,
north=5184290, crs=32632)
# binarize
binarize = openeo.UDF.from_file('',
context={"from_parameter": "context"})
scf_binary = scf_bbox.apply(process=binarize,
context={"snowT": 20})
The code of is this (according to the previous discussion Passing user defined parameters to an UDF - #2 by stefaan.lippens):
from openeo.udf import XarrayDataCube
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
def apply_datacube(cube: XarrayDataCube,
context: dict) -> XarrayDataCube:
If a pixel value is greater or equal then a threshold, will set up as
100. If smaller, will be set up as 0.
FSCTOC (Copernicus) cloud values are set as 205 -> this value is kept
0 (no snow) is set as no data
snowT = context['snowT']
array = cube.get_array()
# valid pixel, no cloud, SCF between snowT and 100 : set as 100
condition1 = array.notnull() & (array >= snowT) & (array <= 100) & (array!=205)
array = xr.where(condition1, 100, array)
# valid pixel, no cloud, SCF between 0 and snowT : set as 0
condition2 = array.isnull() | ((array >= 0) & (array < snowT) & (array!=205))
array = xr.where(condition2, 0, array)
array = array.astype(np.int16)
return XarrayDataCube(array)
First issue: when testing udf_modify_spatial in this example User-Defined Functions (UDF) explained — openEO Python Client 0.28.0a1 documentation
udf_code = Path('').read_text()
cube_updated = scf_binary.apply_neighborhood(
lambda data: data.run_udf(udf=udf_code, runtime='Python-Jep', context=dict()),
{'dimension': 'x', 'value': 600, 'unit': 'px'},
{'dimension': 'y', 'value': 500, 'unit': 'px'}
], overlap=[]) + os.sep + '')
I get an error
OpenEoApiError: [500] Internal: Server error: Exception during Spark execution: jep.JepException: <class 'TypeError'>: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'NoneType' and 'float' (ref: r-24021421af2e4effa52839680b5d29e5)
Second issue: similarly, I get the same error when testing the udf I created myself to do something similar - an aggregation to 500 m resolution by counting the number of snow covered pixels.
from openeo.udf import XarrayDataCube
from openeo.udf.debug import inspect
from openeo.metadata import CollectionMetadata
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
def apply_metadata(input_metadata:CollectionMetadata,
context:dict) -> CollectionMetadata:
pixel_ratio = context["pixel_ratio"]
xstep = input_metadata.get('x','step')
ystep = input_metadata.get('y','step')
new_metadata = {
"x": {"type": "spatial",
"axis": "x",
"step": xstep/pixel_ratio,
"reference_system": 32632},
"y": {"type": "spatial",
"axis": "y",
"step": ystep/pixel_ratio,
"reference_system": 32632},
"t": {"type": "temporal"}
return CollectionMetadata(new_metadata)
def scf(array: np.array,
pixel_ratio: int = 20,
scf_max: bool = False,
scf_min: bool = False,
codes: list = [205, 210, 254, 255],
nv_thres: int = 40) -> np.array:
This function calculates the snow cover fraction from a snow cover map which
is given as input as a np.array
array : np.array
representing the snow cover map
pixel_ratio : int, optional
number of pixels to be aggregated to obtain the new resolution
(e.g. 20x20)
scf_max : bool, optional
if True, consider all the non valid pixels as snow
scf_min : bool, optional
if True, consider all the non valid pixels as snow free
codes : list, optional
list of the codes assigned as no data value
nv_thres : int, optional
max number of pixels which can be no data. If this number is matched or
exceeded, the aggregated pixel is assigned as no data
aggregated : np.array
array with the aggregated fractional snow cover
#x and y dimensions
assert array.ndim == 2
# number of columns and rows of the output aggregated array
nrows = int(np.shape(array)[0]/pixel_ratio)
ncols = int(np.shape(array)[1]/pixel_ratio)
#initialize aggregated array
aggregated = np.ones(shape=(nrows, ncols)) * 255
scf_correct = not(scf_min) and not(scf_max)
# iterate over rows
y_j = 0
x_i = 0
for j in range(0, nrows):
# reset column counter
x_i = 0
# iterate over columns
for i in range(0, ncols):
# read the slice of the scene matching the current
# estimator pixel
data_ij = array[y_j:y_j + pixel_ratio,x_i: x_i + pixel_ratio]
data_ij[np.isnan(data_ij)] = 0
# check if the pixels are valid
if any([erc in data_ij for erc in codes]):
nv_sum = sum([np.sum(data_ij == erc) for erc in codes])
if scf_min:
aggregated[j, i] = np.sum(data_ij[data_ij <= 100]) / data_ij.size
if scf_max:
aggregated[j,i] = (np.sum(data_ij[data_ij <= 100]) + \
nv_sum*100) / data_ij.size
if scf_correct and nv_sum < nv_thres:
# calculate snow cover fraction
aggregated[j, i] = np.sum(data_ij[data_ij <= 100]) / (data_ij.size - nv_sum)
aggregated[j,i] = np.sum(data_ij) / data_ij.size
# advance column counter by number of high resolution pixels
# contained in one low resoution pixels
x_i += pixel_ratio
# advance row counter by number of high resolution pixels
# contained in one low resoution pixels
y_j += pixel_ratio
return aggregated
def apply_datacube(cube: XarrayDataCube, context: dict) -> XarrayDataCube:
# pixel_ratio = context["pixel_ratio"]
# scf_max = context["scf_max"]
# scf_min = context["scf_min"]
# codes = context["codes"]
# nv_thres = context["nv_thres"]
# D = np.array ([datetime.strptime(str(d)[0:10],'%Y-%m-%d') for d in dat.t.values])
pixel_ratio = 25
array: xr.DataArray = cube.get_array()
# We make prediction and transform numpy array back to datacube
# Pixel size of the original image
init_pixel_size_x = array.coords['x'][-1] - array.coords['x'][-2]
init_pixel_size_y = array.coords['y'][-1] - array.coords['y'][-2]
# for date in array.coords['t']:
# cubearray: xarray.DataArray = array['t'==date].copy()
cubearray: xr.DataArray = cube.get_array().copy()
# if == 3 and[0] == 1:
cubearray = cubearray[0]
# print(cubearray.coords)
# print(
predicted_array = scf(,
xmin = array.coords['x'].min() - 10 + 250
xmax = array.coords['x'].max() + 10 - 250
ymin = array.coords['y'].min() - 10 + 250
ymax = array.coords['y'].max() + 10 - 250
coord_x = np.linspace(start = xmin,
stop = xmax,
num = predicted_array.shape[-2])
coord_y = np.linspace(start = ymin,
stop = ymax,
num = predicted_array.shape[-1])
predicted_cube = xr.DataArray(predicted_array,
dims=['x', 'y'],
coords=dict(x=coord_x, y=coord_y))
return XarrayDataCube(predicted_cube)
aggregation = Path('').read_text()
scf_aggregated = scf_binary.apply_neighborhood(
lambda data: data.run_udf(udf=aggregation,
context={"pixel_ratio": 25}),
{'dimension': 'x', 'value': 600, 'unit': 'px'},
{'dimension': 'y', 'value': 500, 'unit': 'px'}
], overlap=[]) + os.sep + '')
The problems are:
I am able to run that udf with apply but I get a wrong output - shift probably due to the chunks + metadata are note changed
When using apply_neighborhood I get the previous errors
Thank you in advance!