Read and use GeoParquet vector data

During the GEO-OPEN-HACK-2024 I presented openEO and we tried to use a GeoParquet file (available here) which includes over 55k points from the GEDI sensor GEDI | Earthdata

I tried a sample load_url - save_result using Parquet as a file format without success. I also tried to create a smaller GeoParquet file, including only 100 points (available here) but it also didn’t work.

Job ids:

load and save big GeoParquet j-24070197d0e44367ab41aeefcd67e320
load and save small GeoParquet j-2407020fa9d34b2db7fd48d41e9bf0aa

The error from the logs:

OpenEO batch job failed: DriverError("unsupported driver: 'Parquet'")

Could you have a look?

Hi Michele,

There is indeed a problem when writing this vector cube to GeoParquet. It does not depend on the number of geometries in the input Parquet file.

I created a ticket with some initial analysis at DriverVectorCube to GeoParquet: unsupported driver: 'Parquet' · Issue #300 · Open-EO/openeo-python-driver · GitHub to have this looked at. This will have to go in the planning; keep an eye on that ticket for updates.
