I am currently working on super-resolution algorithm and its integration in Open EO.
I have written a UDF that passes a numpy array extracted from a datacube to an inference function based on a pretrained NN model. The input numpy array is always in shape (B, H, W).
The inference function returns a 2x super-resoluted numpy array that is then transformed to an xarray and georeferenced.
However, the final output image has the same pixel size as the input one. We can see that the data chunking has messed with the image output, as each chunk has still 10m pixel resolution instead of 5m. The output image has the same size in pixels as the input one, but the predicted_cube has the correct 2 x cubearray shape.
Here is the example of my code and the output image.
import openeo
connection = openeo.connect("openeo.vito.be").authenticate_oidc()
s2_cube = connection.load_collection(
spatial_extent={"west": 5.1, "east": 5.25, "south": 51.0, "north": 51.1},
temporal_extent=["2020-07-05", "2020-07-30"],
bands=["B02", "B03", "B04", "B08"],
udf = openeo.UDF.from_file('udf_fancy_resolution.py')
result = s2_cube.max_time().apply(process=udf)
from openeo.udf import XarrayDataCube
from typing import Dict
import xarray
import numpy as np
def fancy_upsample_function(array: np.array, factor: int = 2) -> np.array:
assert array.ndim == 3
return array.repeat(factor, axis=-1).repeat(factor, axis=-2)
def apply_datacube(cube: XarrayDataCube, context: Dict) -> XarrayDataCube:
# We get data from datacube
cubearray: xarray.DataArray = cube.get_array().copy()
# We make prediction and transform numpy array back to datacube
# Pixel size of the original image
init_pixel_size_x = cubearray.coords['x'][-1] - cubearray.coords['x'][-2]
init_pixel_size_y = cubearray.coords['y'][-1] - cubearray.coords['y'][-2]
# If we have a time series in the datacube, each image is processed separately
if cubearray.data.ndim == 4 and cubearray.data.shape[0] != 1:
cube_collection = []
for c in range(len(cubearray.data)):
predicted_array = fancy_upsample_function(cubearray.data[c], 2)
cube_collection = np.stack(cube_collection, axis=0)
coord_x = np.linspace(start=cube.get_array().coords['x'].min(), stop=cube.get_array().coords['x'].max() + init_pixel_size_x,
num=predicted_array.shape[-2], endpoint=False)
coord_y = np.linspace(start=cube.get_array().coords['y'].min(), stop=cube.get_array().coords['y'].max() + init_pixel_size_y,
num=predicted_array.shape[-1], endpoint=False)
predicted_cube = xarray.DataArray(cube_collection, dims=['t', 'bands', 'x', 'y'], coords=dict(x=coord_x, y=coord_y))
# We have only one image
if cubearray.data.ndim == 4 and cubearray.data.shape[0] == 1:
cubearray = cubearray[0]
predicted_array = fancy_upsample_function(cubearray.data, 2)
coord_x = np.linspace(start=cube.get_array().coords['x'].min(), stop=cube.get_array().coords['x'].max() + init_pixel_size_x,
num=predicted_array.shape[-2], endpoint=False)
coord_y = np.linspace(start=cube.get_array().coords['y'].min(), stop=cube.get_array().coords['y'].max() + init_pixel_size_y,
num=predicted_array.shape[-1], endpoint=False)
predicted_cube = xarray.DataArray(predicted_array, dims=['bands', 'x', 'y'], coords=dict(x=coord_x, y=coord_y))
return XarrayDataCube(predicted_cube)
Don’t know if there is a bug somewhere or should I change something in my code?
Thank you in advance.