Updating the python client in the JupyterLab

Dear Users,

we wanted to inform you about the openeo python client on the JupyterLab that we offer on openeo.cloud. We do not want to interfere with your packages that you may have installed personally, therefore we refrain to force-update your environments.

This is how to update the openeo python client to the latest version:

Preferred approach:

  • From the JupyterLab launcher start a terminal
  • Use the following line to update the python client:
pip install --upgrade openeo
  • Ensure that you restart the kernels of your running notebooks. Check the updated version with:
import openeo

If above does not work, you may want to install the python client from source.

  • From the JupyterLab launcher start a terminal
  • Clone the github repository using:
git clone https://github.com/Open-EO/openeo-python-client.git
  • Change into the openeo-python-client directory
  • Checkout the latest branch (currently 0.10.1) with:
git checkout v0.10.1  
  • Install the client with:
pip install .
  • Ensure that you restart the kernels of your running notebooks. Check the updated version with:
import openeo

If you have done this already once and want to update to the latest version again, you will need to either delete the cloned repository and clone it again or pull the newest version from github.