Welcome to this Forum!

A very warm welcome to anyone in this forum!

This forum allows users of openEO platform to give feedback, exchange ideas, or report issues.

All communication on the forum is public and freely available to anyone on the web to read. Please find our Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy in the FAQ Section.

OpenEO Platform is currently in a beta testing phase, only allowing Early Adopters or Free Trial Users to join the platform. Some functionalities such as the possibilities to limit the use of the backends per user have not been integrated yet. It is therefore important that users acknowledge and agree to use the platform in a fair manner. Users who use the platform in an abusive manner - i.e. blocking resources for a long time - will be warned and in case of recurring the consortium will remove the user from the platform.

If you want to join the forum to gain writing access please refer to this Introduction

Partners involved:








We hope you have a great time in the forum and enjoy working with OpenEO Platform!