Good Morning,
I’ve found at least 2 indications online that there should be a service on openEO to transform data from Sentinel 2 (L1C/L2A data) into harmonized/fused data with Landsat 8 (=L2H/L2F data):
- “Products will be available via the on-demand Open-EO processing service in the coming weeks.” at
- “On-demand production of L2H and L2F data on the openEO platform” at
I’ve asked, they oriented me to Copernicus.
I’ve asked the DataSpace, they told me to ask my question to the forum of the DataSpace.
Someone very nice there told me Sen2Like is on OpenEO Platform.
It is indeed mentioned there:
and there it is mentioned that Sen2Like is on EODC there:
" Federation
This process is only available through the following services in the federation:
But I can’t find it on EODC as well.
Sooooooo, does someone know where to find Sen2Like on OpenEO Platform or EODC?
Does someone have already use this service?
Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
Hi Diane!
There is indeed a sen2core
process available on
But myself, I don’t know how to use it. I’ll ask internally to search for an example!
Best regards,
Emile Sonneveld
@christoph.reimer @valentina.hutter can somebody from EODC help this user further?
1 Like
Thank you for forwarding this.
The sen2like processing is available in openEO Platform, you can make use of it for example in the eodc webeditor, which provides two examples of using sen2like here:
If you want to generate a process graph using sen2like, the first step is to load the SENTINEL2_L1C data, with the spatio-temporal extent of your interest.
You then add the sen2like process and set the parameters:
- choose the product L2H or L2F
- set the cloud_cover
- set the export_original_files to “True” if you want to generate .SAFE files (as generated by sen2like) These would be in the UTM tile grid, as automatically produced.
Additionally, you can then make use of other openEO processes, and finally add the save_result process (where you can pick between NetCDF and GTiff format - as an openEO output. These files are then limited exactly to the spatio-temporal bounds, you selected and can be in a different crs and tile grid. (Per default it is Equi7).
On the webeditor, this would look similar to this one:
This would be an example process_graph:
“process_graph”: {
“sen1”: {
“process_id”: “sen2like”,
“arguments”: {
“data”: {
“from_node”: “load2”
“export_original_files”: true
“load2”: {
“process_id”: “load_collection”,
“arguments”: {
“id”: “SENTINEL2_L1C”,
“spatial_extent”: {
“west”: 15.395724546532643,
“east”: 15.488013124554847,
“south”: 47.00316240788349,
“north”: 47.12229989913943
“temporal_extent”: [
“bands”: [
“properties”: {}
“save3”: {
“process_id”: “save_result”,
“arguments”: {
“data”: {
“from_node”: “sen1”
“format”: “NETCDF”
“result”: true
“parameters”: [ ]
I am still working on the final documentation - so, let me know if anything is unclear.
Thanks a lot for your detailed answer!
I will check it all in details tomorrow.
Just a quick question: when I click on one of the link you provided for example, I’ve got the same screen:
Is it because I haven’t load yet any data, or is there another problem?
The entitlement error suggests me I do not have the rights to use it.
I am not yet sure, what is causing this. Once you are logged in with your egi account, you should get access to this process.
Could you send me your used id, please? The id should show up on the top right corner, when you are logged in at
I will investigate further and let you know, when there are any updates.
Thanks Valentina.
I’ve answered by email but in short: I’ve got no userID and I’ve sent an email to (hopefully) the good contact in openEO platform to know if I’ve done something wrong with my inscription.
I’ll post as soon I’ve news!
Good morning!
So I did not have the access to the openEO EODC platform.
I’m not guest anymore, thanks to the team !
Thanks again @valentina.hutter for your script.
I tried to make it run on the platform, but I’ve got this error message:
ValueError: No data was found for spatiotemporal extent! Try adjusting the query! Query: {‘collections’: [‘SENTINEL2_L1C’], ‘bbox’: (15.395724546532643, 47.00316240788349, 15.488013124554847, 47.12229989913943), ‘datetime’: (‘2023-07-01T00:00:00+00:00’, ‘2023-08-31T00:00:00+00:00’)}
** INFO*
** ID: 47*
I have copy/paste your json file and just add my ID inside:
“id”: “me”,
“process_graph”: {
“sen1”: {
“process_id”: “sen2like”,
“arguments”: {
“data”: {
“from_node”: “load2”
“export_original_files”: true
“load2”: {
“process_id”: “load_collection”,
“arguments”: {
“id”: “SENTINEL2_L1C”,
“spatial_extent”: {
“west”: 15.395724546532643,
“east”: 15.488013124554847,
“south”: 47.00316240788349,
“north”: 47.12229989913943
“temporal_extent”: [
“bands”: [
“properties”: {}
“save3”: {
“process_id”: “save_result”,
“arguments”: {
“data”: {
“from_node”: “sen1”
“format”: “NETCDF”
“result”: true
I also did a lot of trial with my coordinates and timelaps but I’ve always this error message.
Do you know what I am doing wrong, not even being able to reproduce your example?
Thanks a lot for any help,
Great to hear you can make use of openEO now!
Sorry for the inconvenience - our current stac catalogue, which we use for exploring the available data apparently misses the files you need. There will be a fix for that on our official backend by Monday. For now this fix is available on our development backend, so if you want to test sen2like there, you can go to and run the process there.
I will let you know, when the fix is up and running on our official backend!
Thanks again Valentina!
I have launched a batch job on the dev backend and I will wait for the fix monday 
Good morning,
The example script is still running since Friday the 3rd of May on the dev backend.
Have you got an idea about how many time it should take to proceed completely?
(Maybe it is not normal to take so long?)
Good morning,
The job crashed, some days ago, and I can’t see the logs to know why:
Any idea why I can’t see the logs ?
Hello and sorry for the late reply - unfortunately, I had been on sickness leave.
The fix for the above mentioned problem with the data is now available on the official backend and the job should successfully run through there.
We did some further tests on our development backend last week, which probably caused the long run time and the error for your previous job - so, I am very sorry for that!
I think we show the logs for failed jobs only for about a day after the job run, which was why loading the logs failed.